NEW YORK—The Top 50 U.S. Optical Retailers achieved record collective sales of over $12 billion for calendar year 2015, according to Vision Monday’s estimates. The dollars reflect a respectable sales performance for most of the year, and include revenues from the retail sales of products, eyecare services and, when applicable, a small percentage of online sales.

The VM Top 50 account for approximately 35% of the total vision care market’s sales at retail.
The VM Top 10 account for approximately 30% of the total market.
But most of the movement in the Top 50 rankings for the period, particularly among the Top 10 and Top 25, was, propelled by the effect of a number of private equity investments in the optical market which created both consolidation—absorbing formerly independent regional operations—as well as expansion among several new market leaders.
Read the full report, including a tally of the Top 10, VM’s ranking of Mass Merchants/Wholesale Clubs and more here.