Most respondents to a recent Women In Optometry Pop-up Poll said that it makes no difference to them whether they’re working with or for men or women. The pop-up poll asked the simple question: “Would you rather work for a man or a woman?” Sixty-seven percent of nearly 150 respondents said it made no difference, but of those expressing a preference, slightly more said they would prefer to work for a woman.

The next question asked if the respondent would rather work with a men or women. The responses were similar, but the gap closed between those who preferred to work with men versus those who preferred to work with women.

Eighty-one percent of the respondents were women, and 17 percent were men; 2 percent did not specify gender. Among the women, 21 percent said they’d prefer to work for a woman, while 12 percent said they’d prefer to work for a man. The remaining 67 percent said the gender of the boss made no difference. Among women, 19 percent said they’d prefer to work with women, while 16 percent said they’d prefer to work with men; again, the majority—65 percent—said it made no difference.

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